
Set the number of different event priorities

By default Libevent schedules all active events with the same priority. However, some time it is desirable to process some events with a higher priority than others. For that reason, Libevent supports strict priority queues. Active events with a lower priority are always processed before events with a higher priority.

The number of different priorities can be set initially with the event_base_priority_init() function. This function should be called before the first call to event_base_dispatch(). The event_priority_set() function can be used to assign a priority to an event. By default, Libevent assigns the middle priority to all events unless their priority is explicitly set.

Note that urgent-priority events can starve less-urgent events: after running all urgent-priority callbacks, Libevent checks for more urgent events again_, before running less-urgent events. Less-urgent events will not have their callbacks run until there are no events more urgent than them that want to be active.

@param eb the event_base structure returned by event_base_new() @param npriorities the maximum number of priorities @return 0 if successful, or -1 if an error occurred @see event_priority_set()

extern (C) nothrow
